“The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.” ~Richard Bach
Sep 2016: Since I really wanted to overhaul these pages for a while, I stayed up most of the nights in September redesigning them. And it did not feel like work - except that, with so many ideas, fields of interests and exploration for me and our family, I got derailed picking a design, page layout, theme... trying and trying for the most satisfactory...till I remembered what Yoda said: “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” ~Yoda
...and so I am just doing one now, and will revise as I go along. The important items are the pages on the left - main things of interest, or that friends and contacts have asked to be put on my site:
Hi there and the link to my business site is www.maksimizeit.com
Sep 2016: Since I really wanted to overhaul these pages for a while, I stayed up most of the nights in September redesigning them. And it did not feel like work - except that, with so many ideas, fields of interests and exploration for me and our family, I got derailed picking a design, page layout, theme... trying and trying for the most satisfactory...till I remembered what Yoda said: “Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try.” ~Yoda
...and so I am just doing one now, and will revise as I go along. The important items are the pages on the left - main things of interest, or that friends and contacts have asked to be put on my site:
- Education Essays: for those who know me, an obvious choice for the first page - the way that we have been educating our children has always been a huge focus. From discussion on public education and the way it still needs to evolve, to the importance of liberal arts - and yes, rhetoric! - even in the most rigorous technical programs, to overviews and links to exciting, promising new technologies and educational startups - you will find it here.
- Roaming Rhetoric: this will be a long project, first explaining why it is crucial to teach out youth essential critical speaking and rhetorical thinking and debate skills, then including the material needed to step through the rhetorical teachings similar to what exclusive private schools only teach now. I will also include bits about Toast Masters and some of my speeches to date.
- Environmental Excursions: hopefully self explanatory. We believe in human importance as the guardians of the planet, including the climate and all the flora and fauna on it. Stories, opinions, links and discussions.
- Inspiring Immigrant stories - and challenges, too. Wlll start including resources and links useful to new immigrants, starting from eductional information - links to curiculum, guidance services description, options for exceptional students, etc.
- Musikal Minds - going back to the core - music as essential to our being, to learning, playing, evolving and becoming better persons. Links to musical educational and instructional sites, stories and discussion about needing more music in schools, and music parent resources. As the others, work in progress.
Hi there and the link to my business site is www.maksimizeit.com